The diagnosis of childhood osteoporosis is relatively straightforward in primary bone diseases. However, in chronic diseases that can cause osteoporosis, the focus is often on primary treatment, and the risk of osteoporosis is frequently overlooked. Primary bone disease typically presents in infancy or early childhood with multiple fractures of long bones, abnormalities of the sclera or teeth, and an associated family history. On the other hand, secondary osteoporosis is associated with underlying chronic disease and long-term use of medications for these conditions. It may present with vertebral fractures as the only sign. Clinicians must be vigilant in diagnosing it due to its more insidious course. Once diagnosed, diet and lifestyle changes should be made. Also, any vitamin and mineral deficiencies should be replaced. The next step will be the identification of patients who are suitable for medical treatment. In some cases, patients with multiple bone deformities may require corrective surgery. Children diagnosed with osteoporosis should be monitored by a pediatric bone specialist, and their treatment should be coordinated by a multidisciplinary team.
Keywords: osteoporosis, osteogenesis imperfecta, management, treatment, bisphosphonates
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